Also inside: Library Philosophy and Upcoming Conferences.

Also inside: Living Our Values, Pets Get the Celebrity Treatment at Frisco Public Library (TX), PITS® Solution Addresses Staff and Customer Safety Concerns, eCARD and eRENEW Put Power in Patrons’ Hands and Quipu® at Upcoming Conferences. 

Also inside: #QuipuValues Campaign, PITS® Customer Growth, and new eCARD customers. Also, access our newsletter for an opportunity to sign Carol Gyger’s retirement card!

Denver, CO — March 02, 2022 – Quipu® Group LLC has partnered with The Library Corporation (TLC) to develop new patron registration and update APIs. TLC’s newly created Library•Solution APIs support seamless integration with Quipu® Group’s eCARD online registration services, providing verified online card registration for Library•Solution customers.